Infrared Imaging for Exterior Insulated Finish System (EIFS) Analysis

EIFS (or synthetic stucco) wall cladding systems have been in use since the seventies. It is used across a wide array of building types including office, retail, multi-family and single family residences. Thermography has the ability to locate leaks and trapped moisture in most types of EIFS cladding. These types of cladding assemblies usually consist of a sandwiching of the following components (from exterior to interior):

When leaks occur, the moisture finds its way in through various means (at the perimeter terminations, opening penetrations, failed sealant joints, cracks in the finish, etc.) and gets absorbed into the insulation. Thermography can detect this trapped moisture by measuring the solar loading on the wall surface. This is due to the fact that during the daytime hours, the sun heats the assembly. After sunset, the dry insulation will cool off quickly while the wet insulation will retain its heat for a greater period of time. This allows the wet areas to be mapped out on the surface of the wall to identify the problem areas.

A typical infrared EIFS inspection includes the following:

This information is extremely valuable to building owners and facility managers for the following reasons:

In short, infrared EIFS inspections can be an effective tool for architects, building owners, facilities engineers, and property managers in gaining the maximum lifespan out of their EIFS cladding and in protecting the building occupants, contents and construction from adverse conditions.

Please contact us with your building or facilities information so we may work up a proposal for infrared EIFS inspections.

Construction Imaging Services Inc. -- PO Box 786 New Paltz, NY 12561 -- PH (800) 804-0548 --